Required Admission Information
To facilitate an admission to the Huron County Medical Care Facility the following information must be provided:
Face sheet ​
Current medical history and physical examination​
Nursing home pre-admission mental illness/dementia screening form (DCH 3877) if any answers to the 3877 are yes, the DCH 3878 form must be completed by the physician.
Current reports of any ancillary services (EKG, Serology, Laboratory, Physical Therapy, ECT.) CBC, Chem. 12, UA
If a patient is to be transferred from another Skilled Nursing Facility, it is the family’s responsibility to have the current facility provide the required information to the Huron County Medical Care Facility prior to admission. Once the above information is received, it will be reviewed to determine the appropriateness of the nursing home admission.
The above information can be faxed to Anna Klawon, RN, Assistant Director of Nursing/Admissions at 989-269-3178
What to Bring with you
Medicare Cards
Insurance Cards
Part D or Rx Cards
POA or Guardianship Papers
What to Expect Upon Admission
At the time of admission to the Huron County Medical Care Facility, an admission conference will be held. The conference is a meeting to gather information for the interdisciplinary team to begin developing a plan of care. The resident and their family will also meet privately with the social worker, admission coordinator and billing clerk. Upon completion of paperwork, the resident and family will be accompanied to their room where their direct care staff will complete a nursing assessment. Shortly thereafter the therapy team will perform an evaluation to determine a therapy program.